Syracuse New Times Archives

On December 18, 2015 I had the privilege of browsing through the archives of the Syracuse New Times. The New Times was first published in 1969, and nearly all of the past issues are located in a dusty attic above their offices. I could have easily spent an entire day looking through issues and taking pictures, but I only had about an hour to check everything out and take as many pictures as I could. I was overwhelmed just walking through the attic, even before I started looking through some issues. There were boxes and boxes and piles on top of piles.

There was also a couple of poster sized displays...

a door that led to nowhere...

and a very impressive looking floor.

This leads me to the back issues. I took many pictures of issues from 1972 through 1989.
June 29, 1972
Foods to help you live longer, Discount Records ad, WNYS TV9 schedule, current movies.
Covers from April 4, 1976 - May 30, 1976 - July 10, 1977 - July 24, 1977
Surveying the Syr. Disco Scene, TV Reporters (featuring a young Rod Wood), NY NY Musical, The Eckel Building, KKK rally in CNY.
July 17, 1977
Ads for Star Wars & South Gate Inn, Syracuse Nightlife.
Covers from August 28, 1977 - September 25, 1977 - November 4, 1977 - December 25, 1977 - July 2, 1978 - July 16, 1978
Gay rights legislation in Onondaga County, urban homesteading coming to Syracuse, election 1977, Elvis Costello, Judge Sardino.
July 23, 1978
Grease movie, Genesis War Memorial concert ad, Star Wars ad.
Covers from July 30, 1978 - January 28, 1979 - January 29, 1988
Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Carrier Corporation, Armory Square.
September 10, 1978
Syracuse Night Fever, Downtown Syracuse Guide & Map
Disco Ads from November 26, 1978 - December 10, 1978 - December 17, 1978
Machine Shop Disco Tavern, Space Odyssey 2002
Syracuse New Times Photo Archives
I returned to the Syracuse New Times on August 4, 2016 and was allowed to browse through several file cabinets full of photos, picking out ones that I thought would be of interest to viewers of this site. It took me the better part of the afternoon to look through hundreds of photos and scan the ones I chose along the way. I ended up getting 50 great photos that I think you all will enjoy.
Local Bands Promotional Photos
Electric Chick Magnets - 1995

Flashcubes - June 17, 1981

Masters Of Reality - October 1986

Rockin' Bones - 1989

Sacred Death - April 1991

Tempter - late 1980s

The Monterays - 1983

UWA (United Wrestling Alliance) - 1996

Zoid - 1990

Malls & Stores
Arcades - 1981

Darth Vader visits Carousel Mall - 1997

Desert Shore Records - early 1980s

Electronics Store - 1981

Franklin Music - Record Store - early 1980s

Shoppingtown Mall - 1980s

David Muir - WTVH Channel 5 News - 1998

Wayne Mahar - WSTM Channel 3 News - 1989

Oil City - 1989

Street Shots & New York State Fair
DeWitt Ranch Hotel - Erie Blvd. E. - 1978

Marshall Street - 1972

South Clinton Street - September 9, 1981

South Salina Street - January 1975

South Salina Street Bridge - 1970s

NY State Fair - August 28, 1973

NY State Fair Poster - 1903

NY State SuperFair Sign - 1970s

Theaters & Arenas
Biograph - January 5, 1977

Cinema East - 1984

Kallet Genesee - September 1997

Loew's - 1925

Onondaga County War Memorial Booklet - circa 1960s

Westcott Theater - February 18, 1981

Many thanks to David Armelino and everyone at the Syracuse New Times for allowing me to browse through their photo archives. It was truly an honor to be able to have access to so much local history. Please click here to see a New Times cover story that David wrote about this site.
In 2019, Syracuse New Times published the last edition of the newspaper. Click here to check out an interview with former New Times owner Bill Brod on the Syracuse Nostalgia Podcast.