Albino's Warehouse
Albino's Warehouse was located in the area that was most recently occupied by Babies R Us near Destiny USA in Syracuse, NY. In the late 1980s almost all of the local bands rented out a practice room at Albino's. On February 21, 1990 there was a fire that destroyed Albino's, also destroying many of the local bands' equipment as well. It was speculated at the time that the new owner of Albino's had intentionally started the fire, wanting to sell the property to the upcoming Carousel Mall. These pictures are from a 1989 video tape. The video clip is, obviously, from this same tape. It includes one of my friends running around Albino's trying to be funny and making stupid comments. Please don't take anything he says seriously, and turn your speakers off if you are offended by foul language. The second video clip contains local news footage about the fire that was taped on February 22, 1990.

Penfield Building
The Penfield Building is located on North Salina Street, near Destiny USA. It is infamous for being the huge building with the house on top. A picture of the house was included in the book Weird NY. Contrary to some rumors (including one in Weird NY), that is not an actual house. The company that owned the building before Penfield built the shell of a house to "attract attention". For more information, click here to see a newspaper article about Penfield and the house.

The Body Shop
Perhaps inspired by the Penfield building, The Body Shop decided to put a fake car on top of its building. The Body Shop was only about a block away from the Penfield building.

Wolf Inn
Wolf Inn was opened by Nick Fuoco after his first bar, Fuoco's Hideaway, closed. Wolf Inn was located, strangely enough, on Wolf Street in Syracuse. The following photos are from 2006, when the building was being "renovated".

Blizzard Of 1966
The following photo was taken from North McBride Street in Syracuse and was sent in by Les Lane. The video is a clip from the WTVH Channel 5 News home video "Ron Remembers".